I was watching a piece on the national news about a week ago. It was reporting that the extremely popular
'silly bandz' kids have been wearing have been banned in a number of school districts around the country; the reason being that they are considered to be a huge distraction. For those of you who might not know what they are, they're rubber bracelets that come in various shapes:planes, stars, hearts , the alphabet, etc. that you wear around your wrist. As a teacher, I have not found this to be the case at all. In fact, a bunch of my third grade students have put them to great use! We have been learning about color for the last number of weeks, and just completed a project around warm and cool color families. A bunch of my fabulous artists came to class yesterday and showed me they had sorted theirs into warm and cool color families!.....now, if THAT doesn't warm a teachers' heart, I don't know what would! Letting me know that they are carrying all that I bring to them out into their world is such a gift.......